On February 25, 2011, a group of eleven Headwaters Relief Organization volunteers embarked on a third, week long, trip to Haiti. They arrived in Port Au Prince and stayed in Montrouis, Haiti, located an hour and half outside of the capital.
“Johnny’s” orphanage was the first that the Headwaters volunteers visited. Through generous donations from many Headwaters donors, the children at Johnny’s have been eating consistently and their physical and emotional health has improved substantially since the volunteer’s last visit. The volunteers played with the children, engaging in games, songs, and other activities.
The Headwaters volunteers also had the opportunity to visit numerous other schools and orphanages in the Montrouis area for the first time. At one particular school, the volunteers provided activities and music for over a hundred children at one time.
Later in that same day, the Headwaters volunteers visited “Dina’s” orphanage where thirty children lived in extremely poor conditions and were severely malnourished. Many children slept on the ground in tents, did not have clothing, and many babies were kept in a rusted iron cribs in the outdoors. The volunteers did what they could for the children, providing them with food, music, and toys.
The Headwaters volunteers also ventured into the mountains where they returned to a school they had visited on a previous trip. Another generous donation made by a Headwaters supporter provided the money needed to purchase books for the school. The children were excited to see the volunteers again and kept them busy with games and activities all day.
After coming down from the mountains, the Headwaters volunteers returned to visit and spend time with the children at “Jaguar’s” orphanage. After the volunteers returned to the United States on March 5, 2011, several laptop computers were donated, refurbished, and given to Jaguar’s to assist with the children’s education.
Donations to the Headwaters Relief Organization can be made payable to the Headwaters Relief Organization Fund, and all donors will receive a charitable tax deduction receipt in the mail. In order to donate, please contact Cheryl Vennerstrom, at 763-450-5007, or e-mail her at cvennerstrom@orionassoc.net.
All tax deductible donations to the Headwaters project should be made to the:
Headwaters Relief Organization Fund
9400 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley, Minnesota 56427