Our organization was featured on the Minnesota Business web site, discussing our organization’s commitment to the health and wellness of its employees as represented by our ongoing commitment to volunteerism, our organization’s having received a Psychologically Healthy Workplace award, and our goal to achieve LEED certification for our corporate office building.
The text of the article is as follows:
Management Services Agency Earns Award
Dr. Rebecca Thomley, CEO of Orion Associates, announced today her company would continue its commitment to the health and wellness of its employees despite cutbacks in funds for social services agencies across Minnesota.
“Most people would agree this is a challenging time for organizations like ours, but in order to grow we know we have to keep investing in our employees and our work environment,” said Dr. Rebecca Thomley. “We’ve created not only an environmentally and psychologically healthy workplace, but a culture where giving back is part of our everyday experience.” Orion Associates’ employees often work as volunteers for Headwaters Relief Organization, a non-profit organization founded by Thomley to provide emotional and physical support to victims of natural disasters. The group has provided assistance in New Orleans, Iowa, southern Minnesota, North Dakota and in the Twin Cities.
In June of 2008 Orion Associates completed a 3,000 square foot expansion to its corporate headquarters, which also houses its sister companies Meridian Services, Orion ISO, and Zenith Services. The expansion, including an 1,800 square foot daycare center, incorporates external and internal environmentally friendly components such as energy efficient glass, recycled and filtered water systems and recycled and low emission finishes for paint, flooring and adhesives. The expansion has greatly reduced energy consumption as well as improved indoor air quality within the facility. Orion’s corporate headquarters are currently under consideration for a LEED Gold Award.
In April of 2008 Orion Associates was recognized by the Minnesota Psychological Association with a Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award, leading to consideration for the 2009 Best Practices Honor. The company plans to pursue further ways in which to improve their workplace environment from a wellness perspective. “We’ve seen a direct relationship between our investment in our workplace, and our company growth,” said Thomley. “We really can’t afford to stop working on ways for our employees to have a healthier, richer experience every day they come to work.”